UK Election 2015

How will it affect the amount you're taxed? Use our calculator to find out! tweet this

What is your gross income?


Calculating ...


Enter your gross income to see how the different parties intend to tax you if voted in.

How do the major political parties want to tax you?

By looking at the headline taxation figures in each party's manifesto we have created a quick and simple comparison calculator.

Below are the major policies outlined by each party in their 2015 Election Manifesto. Anything not mentioned here will retain the current taxation policies in effect for 2015/2016, which you can view here


    £12,500 tax free personal allowance

    Higher rate threshold begins at £50,000 of gross income


    10 percent starting tax band for all income returns - set at the current £5,000 level here

    50 percent tax for those earning over £150,000 gross per year


    £12,500 tax free personal allowance

  • UKIP

    £13,500 tax free personal allowance

    Basic rate band at 20 percent

    Middle rate band at 30 percent, effective between £45,300 - £55,000 of gross income

    Higher rate of tax at 40 percent effective gross incomes over £55,000

    50 percent tax band removed


    Citizen's income provided instead of a tax free personal allowance

    Amount paid possibly equivalent to current personal allowance at 20 percent, set here at £2,120

    National Insurance Contributions changed so all income over primary threshold charged at 12 percent

    Top rate of tax increased to 60 percent

  • SNP

    50 percent tax for those earning over £150,000 gross per year


The 2012 - 2025 Budget proposals and other tax changes are summarised here and available at the blog.

The proposals could change before coming into force. The calculator and any associated information are intended to provide a loose overview and therefore include assumptions and estimates. It should not be used as a foundation for checking liability to tax or when deciding investment strategies.

Although we have tried very hard to provide accurate and current figures, there is no guarantee that this information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate. You should not act upon such information without first taking professional advice and going through your circumstances in detail.
